There is a single project for LBSC 690. This is a team project, with each team to consist of three students. The project is to implement a web site or other online service. The contents of the site are up to the project members, but the site must integrate at least two of the following four technologies covered in this course:
Projects are to be executed in groups of three students (or two, if there are not a round number of three).
On Tuesday, March 13th (Week 7), following the in-class mid-term exam, each team will give a 4-minute introductory presentation to the class on their intended project content, and receive feedback from class members. One project member is to lead this presentation.
On Tuesday, May 8th (Week 14), each team will give 12-minute in-class presentations of their projects, demonstrating their project site, discussing the ideas behind it, and describing the technologies used. The two project members who did not give the introductory presentation in week 7 will give this presentation.
On Saturday, May 12th the development on the project site is to cease and the project report is to be submitted. The report should be 4-6 pages long, and describe:
Assessment will be performed by the instructor and will be based upon the two presentations (with most weight given to the final presentation) and the final report. Consideration will be given to:
Naturally, students should also design and work for the site with an eye towards including it in a professional portfolio of their work.
Teams are free to implement sites on whatever topic or content they like, and are encourage to pursue their own interests. Sources of inspiration include:
offer the collections and services of the University Archives to your students in LBSC 690 [...]. The Cole Field House project [created by previous LBSC 690 students] is one example of the great success we have had in working with students in this course to develop websites on various aspects of University of Maryland history, and [a previous LBSC 690 student] is continuing to refine and enhance these pages so this site may become a permanent fixture of the University Archives' web presence. Another example is our site on the fire of 1912 on our campus, which also began as a 690 project: I am extremely pleased to have this site in place, because we will be marking the 100th anniversary of this landmark event in our history this November. There are many, many other possibilities for projects, and I would be happy to discuss ideas with members of your class as the time to initiate this particular part of their coursework approaches.
You may also like to look at past examples of LBSC 690 projects.
You may host the site where you wish. The terpconnect servers are the natural primary location for the site. Please discuss with the instructor if you need to use technologies (such as database or server-side programming) that terpconnect does not provide.